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Carolinas Group Psychotherapy Society

Life Is Lived in Groups!

"Breaking the Binary of Emotional Narratives in Dialogues on Race" and the Community Meeting of the Membership

  • Tue, September 28, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)


  • A member of CGPS who is up to date on membership.
  • Welcome to our event!

"Breaking the Binary of Emotional Narratives in Dialogues on Race" and Community Meeting

Description: Dr. Vincent Malik Dehili, PhD, CGP seeks to: 1) describe the difficult emotional states often associated with dialogues on race within group therapy, 2) change the emotional narratives that we associate with specific affectual states, 3) embody compassion to self and others bringing awareness to the ancestral & socio-cultural transference to honor suffering and move towards non-discrimination. Join us for this foretaste of our Fall Workshop which Vinny is co-presenting (see below).

Vinny presents for 30 minutes, followed by our annual Community Meeting of the Membership for the final 30 minutes. Non-members are welcome.

Biography of Dr. Vincent Malik Dehili, PhD, CGP

Vincent Malik Dehili, PhD, CGP, is Group Coordinator and Licensed Psychologist at North Carolina State University. He is Consultation Coordinator with the College Counseling Special Interest Group of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA), Co-Chair of the AGPA Racial and Ethnic Diversity Special Interest Group and its Liaison to the AGPA Diversity and Equity Task Force. He is Vice President of the Florida Group Psychotherapy Society. He is a Professional Member of the American Psychological Association in Division 49 – Group Psychology. He serves on the American College Counseling Association’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee.

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